So we're off on our road trip, or what is a cheap escape from the city. Went from 90 degree heat on cement to 68 degree coolness and fresh air in the Pioneer Valley. Felt like coming home, but with no responsibility, to be here in Northampton. Isn't that what we all crave once we reach 25 -- freedom from responsibility? That word can really weigh on our shoulders, even if we may be childless and officially done with graduate school duties for atleast a month.
J and I are finally relaxed and I think ready to revise the daily duties of worry and guilt into something more flexible, light, and tender. The happiness of a cloudy day in Massachusetts with no appointments or reasons to rush is upon us. Thank the lord! It is truly amazing how one place can invoke something so different from another, illuminating different energies, casting hope or fear in one fell swoop without a change of weather. Going over the GW Bridge into New Jersey is a move against the national itinerary - and it feels so damn good -- even if you are entering New Jersey! :)
We're on to Vermont and the Green Mountain National Forest. Here's a preview of what is to come, from our experiences on our earlier trip home to Michigan. Let's hope the rain clouds stay in the past and the Americana keeps on coming.
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